Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tracy Anderson: The Pregnancy Project

Exactly what I was looking for
I ordered this DVD directly from Tracey Anderson's website in November 2011 so I believe it's the same as this one to be released on Amazon in 2013.
This DVD is brilliant. I love it. I am already fit and exercise about 4 times a week with intense cardio, cycling, weights and pilates. Tracey understands what is appropriate for someone who was fit before pregnancy and wants to continue exercising safely. There is no cardio per se - it's all strength training, but it does get your heart rate up.

For me this DVD is perfect because I do a special prenatal exercise twice a week (fitball cardio and weights), one pilates class, then I can just do this DVD once a week or when I can't make it to class.

* Tracey is kind and encouraging. She cues the exercises clearly and doesn't talk too much. It's great that she is actually pregnant in this video.
* The environment that she exercises in is pleasant and you can turn the background music off if you...

Great starting point for a prenatal workout DVD
I ordered this from Tracy's website as soon as it came out in October- right after I found out I was expecting. I was a gymnast for ten years and worked out consistently 4-5 times a week leading up to my pregnancy. I was a decently fit person going into this pregnancy and I have a lot of discipline. I wish reviews had been available to me before I purchased the item.

My first trimester was exhausting and I didn't have the energy to exercise much. I came home and went to bed as soon as my four year-old allowed. I started on the Tracy Anderson series right around my 11th week and have been doing it since then and am now 37 weeks. I will amend this as needed.

YOU'LL NEED: a small towel (a hand towel will suffice), two three-pound weights, an exercise mat (should be thick, or your knees might hurt a bit; I use folded blanket to increase the thickness), a chair and some space; I really only need about two or three feet of space surrounding my mat.

You won't...

Boring and repetitive
I'm in my 7th month and have been doing this workout since the beginning. I bought it because I liked the concept of having a new workout each month, tailored to what my body needs at the time. This was my first experience doing a Tracy Anderson workout, and I had high hopes. Unfortunately, I found the workouts to be very boring and very repetitive.

Each workout is about 45 minutes. Some are longer, some are shorter. After a warm up, it moves into arm exercises, which I actually like. They are unique moves and they've made my arms toner. The leg exercises, which make up the majority of the workout, are where I take issue. Most months, you are on your hands and knees for almost the entire time doing leg lifts. Each movement is done about 20 times on each leg with only slight variations to the move. The problem is that the movements are basically hitting the same muscles over and over again with no relief. It's not the challenge of it that I have a problem with,...

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