Sunday, September 29, 2013

Remember the Day

Remember the Day (1941)...
This movie has entered the rotation on my cable system (Time-Warner) and I've seen this excellent movie from 1941 for the second time (today, 04/09/2012). Sentimental in nature, it basically deals with Claudette Colbert's character recalling events prior to World War I as a young teacher, the life she led, and the love that she had - and lost due to that terrible conflict. Also, there is a focus on a particular young student that had a terrible crush on her at that time - who now was a candidate running for President.

Personally, any movie that Ms. Colbert did during the 30's into the early 40's is good enough for me (by default)!

Of course, the best part of the movie was the ending - with the candidate/former student looking up at two of the most important women in his life. Take heed, you might just feel a little something that takes you YOUR school days!

See the movie for yourself!

I rate "Remember the Day (1941)"...Five...

Sentimental & Schmaltzy - but I love it!
I can't imagine a film like Remember the Day being produced today. It's very sentimental, which doesn't appeal to today's audiences. However, because of the sentiment, it does appeal to me. Claudette Colbert is very good in this film; John Payne is handsome and proved that he could act when given a good part. In just about every Playbill bio I've ever read about John Payne, he had listed this as one of his favorite films (Miracle on 34th Street being another one on his list). He's wonderful in the scene at the bandstand, when he's about to go off to war. Chokes me up every time.

I've had a bad, taped from TV VHS tape of this film for years because it was never available on VHS or DVD (until now). Part of the Fox Cinema Archives series, it's strictly "bare bones" - no chapters, no fancy inserts, no extras of any type - just the movie.

Remember the Day When movies were Fantastic
I purchased this DVD as I love Claudette Colbert and I have to say I was not disappointed. Claudette is amazing in this role and she ages 50 years throught the movie. It is definitely a good story about love and loss and if you ever had a crush on a teacher when you were younger, you will definitely hold "Remember the Day" in your heart. A good wholesome movie for those who are tired of the trash they put out today.

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