Thursday, September 19, 2013

4 Film Favorites: Post-Apocalypse (I Am Legend, Logan's Run, Dark City Director's Cut, The Omega Man)

Too Bad They added I am Legend
Great movies on this, except for I am Legend. Vincent Price and Charlton Heston made much better movies.

The message of I Am Legend/The Last Man on Earth ("LMOE") is prophetic, in much the same way that, "The Time Machine" and "1984" showed us the terrifying future of declining, totalitarian western culture. When he wrote his book, Matheson could not have known of the coming, all-pervasive, mindlessness, "political correctness," and individual detachment brought on by immersion in technology, pseudo-science, media mind-control, and political group-think. Nor could he have foreseen the all-encompassing totalitarian state. Nevertheless, Matheson describes modern society.

The viral epidemic is an allegory for the spiritual, genetic and mental degradation of mankind. The dead come back to life. The dead are, of course, the soulless, mindless inhabitants of modern "progressive" society. One need only observe expressionless, lifeless drones walking the streets and...

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